Quick Sketch Before I Go!

Hi all, I'm off today and wanted to leave something before I went... I'll just be bringing the basic watercolour, pen and ink to Australia and I'm hoping, if I can find a way, to post some of the sketches I do on the trip, while I'm there!.. Otherwise I'll just post them all when I get back in November... :)

'Packed Bags'
Permanent Ink and Watercolour on Paper
Size: about 7.5" x 4.3"

Looking forward to having lots of time to paint on the trip.
 For some, holidaying all over the world may be just a norm nowadays, but for me, No Way.. I'm crazy excited, and just can wait to see and paint all the new things I'll be getting the chance to visit !!.. :D 

Thanks for dropping by!.. :)


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