The Testy Text
Hiya guys, I'm planning a series of larger paintings with a magnifying glass, but thought I'd give it a test drive with this little piece.
Shot of the set up. The magnified text set a mood for the coming pieces. That thick tome there is the 10th edition of 'Art Through The Ages' read cover to cover, then promptly forgotten.. |
Painted from life alla prima as you can see, a very minimalist palette was used (dug out some colours that have been feeling a little lonely) of Cad Yellow & Red, Phthalo Blue, Paynes Gray & of course Titanium White.
For the lettering I used a Sgraffito technique with a sharp black colour pencil.. Everything else was painted with two (000) rounds, though next time I think I'll try using a small flat brush...
Thats it for now!.. Thanks for the visit!.. :)
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